Du ci () Duration: 1H32M Description: Conflicts between power-hungry triad gangsters in Macao leads to bloody battles… Trailer ↗ Taiwan Hong Kong Adventure Crime
Category: Taiwan
Wang xiang ()
Chi qing qi nu zi ()
Zhu jian shao nian ()
Bei hai shuang xian xi to long ()
Fen nu de qing nian ()
Tai shang tai xia ()
Da di shuang ying ()
Torocco ()
Xiao ba ba de tian kong ()
Yi xi zhi di ()
Ba… ni hao ma ()
Ba… ni hao ma () Duration: 1H47M Description: A father can have many different kinds of faces. Which one does your father have? This is a film of ten short stories, and each shows a different relationship between a father and his son. Each story reveals the complexity between….. Trailer ↗ Taiwan Drama
Sleeping on Dark Waters ()
Chuan qiang ren ()
Chuan qiang ren () Duration: 1H48M Description: In the not-too distant future, 17 year-old Tye and his family move to the burgeoning metropolis of Real City, where, bored with classes, he spends his time daydreaming until one day he finds a magic stone that allows him to pass t….. Trailer ↗ Taiwan Fantasy Romance
Huang wu shou ji ()
Song shu zi sha shi jian ()
Song shu zi sha shi jian () Duration: 1H58M Description: Oshima wakes up in the middle of a desert with no memory. A woman lying beside him tells him that he was originally planning on crossing the desert with his girlfriend to get to Snow Mountain, but suddenly she disappeared… Trailer ↗ Japan Taiwan Mystery […]
Dan che shang lu ()
Ke bu ke yi, ni ye gang hao xi huan wo ()
Juo ren mi mi ()
Chui-si zao-wu ai-ge ()
Chui-si zao-wu ai-ge () Duration: 1H10M Description: A trilogy of 3 short and surreal, non-linear “stories” (used in the widest sense of the word, as they have no easily discernible plot) which explore the dynamism of constant birth and death, entering and exiting the physical world….. Trailer ↗ Taiwan Fantasy Horror